Thursday 15 May 2014

DIY: Splatter Paint Trousers

Splatter paint is back, along with Birkenstocks and mom jeans, but hey I'm loving it! I came across a pair of Zara Army Splatter Paint Trousers and realised I had a pair of army pants sitting around and wasn't sure what to do with them. So I took inspiration from the Zara trousers and decided to make my own splatter paint army pants.

Fabric Paint (I used Dylon Fabric Paint)
Paint Brush (any size)
Pair of Trousers

1. I decided to hem my trousers before painting as they were too long and I didn't like the style anymore. This is completely up to you. 

2. Hang your trousers either against a fence or clothing line. Make sure your fine with getting paint around the area. I hung my trousers on our clothing line.

3. Take the fabric paint and brush and start flinging paint! I went to my local art shop and bought some white fabric paint. Any colour will do, I just thought white would be nice against the army green. I would recommend a screw top paint instead of a bottle paint, so you can dip the paint brush into the container. I took a paint brush I had around the house, dipped it into the paint and starting throwing paint at the trousers. It was so much fun and very stress relieving. I felt like a true artist flinging paint everywhere! 

4. Once you've done the front, turn the trousers around and start on the back. If you have the trousers leaning against something, let them dry before turning them around to start the other side.

5. Let them dry. My fabric paint recommended I let the trousers dry then put a damp cloth over the painted area and iron dry. This is to set the paint, I haven't done this yet, but may give it ago!

6. Viola!!! A pair of old trousers made new!

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