Wednesday 14 May 2014

Our Holiday in Pictures

Don't be jealous when you see these pictures. Yes, it was that gorgeous. And the sad thing is we didn't even get the best photos. We kept forgetting to bring the camera as we were so in the moment of enjoying our holiday! Two of our closest friends held their wedding in Mahe, Seychelles. The bride grew up there and thought it quite appropriate to have all of us come to see how spectacular her life was growing up in the Seychelles. So all their closest friends and family from all over the world gathered in this picturesque place called Paradise. I will say it was the best week I've had in a long time. All of our closest friends in one place, enjoying a holiday together, it was heaven. We all use to live in London, but as we have grown older many have moved on to new places. So being all together again was amazing! As my friend Lucie and I, in our complete drunken state, declared us all family! So now my friends are my brothers and sisters. 

Since Jules and I are the only ones with a kid so far, we decided it was best to leave Edith with the grandparents in Germany. This gave the two of us some time together, time we desperately needed. So the two of us set off for a great adventure. Unfortunately, we ran into some trouble on our way out of Germany, which was completely painstaking and humorous all at the same time, as that's how our luck has been treating us lately but 48 hours later we got to the Seychelles. Yes we missed a whole day of our holiday, thank you Etithad! But we made it in the end and it was great!

Here are some photos of our lovely holiday. Hold on to your seats, there are a lot of photos!

xx kelly

Click to see photos of our holiday!

Dropping Edith off in Germany

And we're off!

This is when we found out we wouldn't be flying out.
I was not amused at this point.
And we finally were on a plane to the Seychelles!

Our Accommodation

The Wedding

Victoria- The Town

The Rest of the Trip

It was truly a spectacular trip!

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